Full Circle Yoga is located in San Diego and teaches yoga in the Iyengar tradition. Founded in 1972 by Aman’s brother, Pujari (Ed) Keays, he was a black belt in kempo karate and was interested in yoga. He had a couple of yoga teachers and then heard about Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and left for India to find out what he was about. While he was in Pune, India, he also heard about this incredible yoga teacher, Sri B.K.S. Iyengar. He began to study with Mr. Iyengar daily. When he returned to San Diego, Pujari began to teach yoga in the same way that Mr. Iyengar taught. He called his yoga studio the Rajneesh Yoga Institute.
In 1979, Pujari and his wife Abhilasha decided to open a bookstore with the yoga studio and changed the name of the business to Full Circle Bookstore and Yoga Institute. Aman bought the studio and bookstore from Pujari and Abhilasha in 1983. He and Sunny expanded and updated the yoga studio and changed the name to Full Circle Yoga Institute. |
Aman’s first yoga teacher was his brother Pujari and Mary Dunn at the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Diego (in Ocean Beach). A couple of months after buying Full Circle Yoga Institute, Aman went to India to study with and meet Sri B.K.S. Iyengar. It was an instant connection for him. Mr. Iyengar was so inspiring as a teacher and as a person. After his return from India he went about studying very diligently with Mary Dunn to become a teacher of yoga. His study of yoga included others students of Sri B.K.S. Iyengar as his teachers in addition to Mary Dunn. Every Iyengar teacher that came through San Diego and the United States, he studied with. But it was his daily practice and study with his local teacher that had the greatest influence in addition to Pujari and Mr. Iyengar himself.
Several trips to India and visits of Mr. Iyengar to the United States later leads us to today. |
Sunny became a student of Iyengar yoga after trying other methods of yoga and experiencing this method to be precise and clear. She was also very taken by Mr. Iyengar’s book "Light on Yoga". Her first exposure was in Nebraska in 1978. She moved to San Diego in 1980 and looked for an Iyengar teacher, and found Aman’s brother Pujari just a 1/4 mile away. She started classes regularly with Pujari at the Yoga Institute and with Mary Dunn at the B.K.S. Iyengar Studio in Ocean Beach. She also took trips to India and fell in love with the teachings of Mr. Iyengar and his daughter Geeta. Certification began in the late 80’s by Mr. Iyengar. We have been his students since 1979 when we first began yoga in the tradition in which he taught. We are presently certified by him as Jr. Intermediate Teachers. |
The Iyengars have been our teachers since 1979. They have inspired our practice since then and continue to do so. Our hope for clients who come to Full Circle for yoga classes that their lives will also be inspired by the yoga practice.
The Full Circle Yoga represents many years of yoga practice as well as many years of meditation practice – active and silent. We are also grateful for the influence and guidance over the past years from Charlotte Joko Beck and our current teacher, Light. |